OCLC has launched a new blog: Next. Focused on what comes next for libraries, librarians, and the communities they serve, it will draw upon OCLC staff with a variety of experiences and perspectives.
First up is Skip Prichard, OCLC CEO, who discusses “Transforming data into impact”. This was also the topic of an OCLC program at ALA Midwinter of the same title, and you can find links to the slides and video of the event in his post.
Second is yours truly on “Getting started with linked data”. In this short piece I try to make linked data understandable and explain why it is important (making data more machine-actionable) and how it will have an impact on libraries (by making many of workflows more efficient and enhancing the user discovery experience).
Then there is “Learning isn’t learning until you use it” by my Membership and Research colleague Sharon Streams. In it she provides some sage advice for both students and teachers — and aren’t we both at different times? And any post that ends with a story from comedian Louis CK can’t be all bad, right?
These initial posts will be followed up by other colleagues who have some fascinating things to say. I think you will find this blog will be well worth adding to your blog reader or aggregator. If you use Twitter more than blog aggregators for current awareness as I do, follow @OCLC and you’ll be good.
Roy Tennant works on projects related to improving the technological infrastructure of libraries, museums, and archives.