Friday, 19 September is of course well known as International Talk Like a Pirate Day. In order to mark the day, we created not one but FIVE lists (rolled out over this whole week). This is part of our What In the WorldCat? series (#wtworldcat lists are created by mining data from WorldCat in order to highlight interesting and different views of the world’s library collections).
- Pirate Gold on the Silver Screen – A list of the most widely held pirate movies in WorldCat
- Avast! Top 10 Real-life Pirates – This list represents the top pirates identified using holdings for titles related to the VIAF identifier of people who were historically known for piracy and privateering.
- Valves and Cogs! 15 Most Popular Steam Punk Pirate Novels – A list generated using WorldCat Fiction Finder using a keyword search for Steampunk Pirate and ordered by the number of OCLC member libraries that hold a given title. Fiction Finder, one of my favorite tools, is an all fiction subset of OCLC WorldCat. Check it out when you are done being a pirate.
- “X” MARCs the Spot! 18 Treasure Maps You Can Find in Libraries – A bounty of atlases of treasure, ghost fleets, shipwrecks and sunken booty held in the world’s libraries
- It’s a Pirate’s Life for Me! 5 Lists to Help You Talk, Sail, Eat and Sing Like a Pirate! Library resources on these important pirate skills, derived from the most widely held works in WorldCat.
If you have a suggestion something you’d like us to feature, let us know or leave a comment below.
Merrilee Proffitt is Senior Manager for the OCLC RLP. She provides community development skills and expert support to institutions within the OCLC Research Library Partnership.