3 Comments on “Presenting metadata from different sources in discovery layers”

  1. Hi Karen,

    Thanks for the articles titled “Presenting metadata from different sources in discovery layers”.

    At the end of the article you write:

    Presenting metadata from different sources in discovery layers is a continuing struggle between “authority control” and “reconciling access points”, between “consistency” and “acknowledging diversity.”

    Can you elaborate the terms in quotes above? What do they mean?

    Thank you,

    1. Hi, Andrew. “Authority control” refers to the desire to use a single, distinct, preferred form of names and subjects for everything that appears in the catalog. Since different sources can use different terms for the same “thing”, work is needed to reconcile the differences. The result is the tension between providing consistency among the entities and topics described while acknowledging that different communities and disciplines have their own preferred terminology.

      1. thanks for the clarification Karen.

        in another article post here titled “knowledge organization systems” you stated the following:

        ”Rather than one “global domain,” perhaps the library community could provide added value by adding bridges from the metadata in library domain databases to other domains“

        This statement is very much aligned with “domain driven design” philosophy in the software development world. i am curious if this thought was inspired by some familiarity with this or happened to be a result of convergent thinking ? i believe they would refer to maintaining multiple domains as “bounded contexts” and your reference to bridging would be called “context mapping” in their terminology .

        great posts ! learning much here!

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