2 Comments on “Metadata for research data management”

  1. “Building Blocks: Laying the Foundation for a Research Data Management Program” is a very useful tool to assist in building a research data management program. Thank you to everyone involved!

    I would like to contribute to the discussion the recent webinar “Data Management Planning Tools” hosted by ANDS (Australian National Research Data Service) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diF_M3Div7I
    Speakers were: Matthias Liffers (Coordinator, Research Services, Curtin University Library), Katrina McAlpine, (Research Data Manager, University of Sydney) and Maude Francis (Manager, Repository Services, University of New South Wales Library).

  2. Thanks Karen and all for this information. The RDA list of metadata standards is really useful when planning new systems for managing research data, particularly if we want them to be relevant and useful for supporting researchers during the research lifecycle. The RIF-CS schema isn’t listed in this directory. That’s used by the Australian National Data Service as a standard metadata schema for describing research data collections and researchers (or organisations). It’s a more general schema and is not necessarily used for describing data and files themselves. More information is at:

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