OCLC Research conducted an international linked data survey for implementers between 7 July and 15 August 2014. This is the fifth post in the series reporting the results.
20 of the linked data projects that publish linked data are not yet accessible. Of those that are, 25 make their data accessible through Web pages and 24 through SPARQL Endpoint. Most offer multiple methods; when only one method is offered it’s by SPARQL Endpoint or file dumps.
The alphabetical list below shows the ways survey respondents make their linked data accessible; those that include methods used by Dewey, FAST, ISNI, VIAF, WorldCat.org and WorldCat.org Works are checked.
Of the 59 responses to the question about the serializations of linked data used, the majority use RDF/XML (47 projects/services). Here’s the alphabetical list of the serializations used; those that include uses by Dewey, FAST, ISNI, VIAF, WorldCat.org and WorldCat.org Works are checked.
Trix was the only other serialization cited. The remainder of the “other” responses was for projects that hadn’t yet been implemented or the respondent wasn’t sure.
The technologies used by respondents for consuming linked data overlap with those used for publishing linked data. Most are mentioned only once or twice so these lists are in alphabetical order.
Technologies mentioned for consuming linked data:
- Apache Fuseki
- ARC2 on PHP
- Bespoke Jena applications (or bespoke local software tools)
- eXist database
- HBase/Hadoop
- Javascript
- jQuery
- Map/Reduce
- Orbeon Xforms (or just Xforms)
- RDF Store
- Reasoning
- SKOS repository
- Solr
- Web browsers
- Xquery
Technologies mentioned for publishing linked data:
- 4store
- AllegroGraph
- Apache Digester
- Apache Fuseki
- ARC2 on PHP
- Django
- Drupal7
- EADitor (https://github.com/ewg118/eaditor)
- Fedora Commons
- Google Refine
- HBase/Hadoop
- Humfrey
- Java
- Jena applications
- Lodspeakr
- Map/Reduce
- MarkLogic XML Database
- Orbeon Xforms
- OWLIM RDF triple store API
- OWLIM-SE Triple Store by Ontotext Software
- Perl
- Pubby
- Python
- RDF Store
- RDFer by British Museum
- Saxon/XSLT
- Solr
- Sublima topic tool
- The European Library Linked Data Platform
- Tomcat
- Virtuoso Universal Server (provide SPARQL endpoint)
- xEAC (https://github.com/ewg118/xEAC)
- Zorba
Coming next: Linked Data Survey results–Advice from the implementers (last in the series)
Karen Smith-Yoshimura, senior program officer, topics related to creating and managing metadata with a focus on large research libraries and multilingual requirements. Karen retired from OCLC November 2020.
Most offer multiple methods; when only one method is offered it’s by SPARQL Endpoint or file dumps.
This survey is very useful for knowing the next trends of software field.
Hello Karen,
Well this is really insightful survey results and I’m really amazed to check this data.