Introducing the OCLC Research Library Partnership Leadership Roundtables

In the foreground, a person is seated in front a desk with an open notebook and laptop. Their arms and hands are the only body parts that are visible and they appear to be gesturing towards the computer as if engaging in conversation.
Photo by Headway on Unsplash

The OCLC Research Library Partnership (RLP) draws from a unique, international mix of independent, academic, national, and museum libraries. We know there is value in bringing our partners together to learn from each other – we see this every day through our leadership and information sharing venues like the Metadata Managers Focus Group and our SHARES resource sharing consortium.

Inspired by Metadata Managers and SHARES, we are pleased to announce that we are launching two new RLP Leadership Roundtables to foster community, creativity, and problem solving for two areas of strategic importance for research libraries: archives and special collections, and research support. 

These sessions, designed for those in leadership level positions, will be led by our RLP experts–Senior Program Officers Rebecca Bryant (research support) and Chela Scott Weber (archives and special collections).  

RLP Leadership Roundtable discussions have three goals:  

  • For RLP members to share information about and benchmark their current services and future goals. 
  • To enable OCLC Research to take stock of the state of the field, and to synthesize and share actionable insights with the broader library community.   
  • To build community and facilitate peer learning across our transnational RLP affiliates.  

As is true with the Metadata Managers Focus Group and SHARES, this opportunity is offered exclusively to RLP member institutions.

Each convening will focus on a specific, high relevance topic. The archives and special collections discussion topics may include born digital collections, metrics and data-driven decision making, and resourcing and advocacy. For research support, we will discuss topics like research analytics/bibliometrics services, research data management, and research information management/researcher profiles.  Following each session, a post-event summary will be published right here on Hanging Together.

We are excited to launch this new program and look forward to sharing results and outcomes. Interested in learning more about the OCLC RLP and our work? Let me know!