Copyright Investigation Summary Report now available

I am pleased to announce (at last!) that the RLG Partner Copyright Investigation Summary Report (pdf) is now available. This report summarizes interviews conducted between August and September 2007 with staff RLG Partner institutions. Interviewees shared information about how and why institutions investigate and collect copyright evidence, both for mass digitization projects and for items in special collections.

I am so grateful to those who shared their experience and wisdom with us.
Participating partner institutions and staff include:

Cornell University (Peter Hirtle); Emory University (Lisa Macklin); New York Public Library (Tom Lisanti); Rutgers University (Grace Agnew); Stanford University (Mimi Calter); University of California, Los Angeles (Angela Riggio); University of Michigan (Judy Aronheim); University of Texas at Austin (Dennis Dillon).

3 Comments on “Copyright Investigation Summary Report now available”

  1. Terry, it’s the http that always does me in. Thanks for the alert, it’s fixed now.

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