Brewster profiled

Brewster Kahle of the Internet Archive was profiled in Sunday’s San Jose Mercury News. The online version of the article does not include “five things to know about Brewster Kahle.” [you will have to log in to read this article] Those five things are:

  1. He owns as 80 year old letterpress with moveable type
  2. He named his sone Caslon after the typeface designer
  3. He rents a house in the Presidio
  4. He keeps a librarian action figure on a shelf at work
  5. His family spent vacation time in Vermont learning how to make puppets at the Bread and Puppet Theater

Incidentally, I attended the reception for the OCA launch and was pleased that one of my musing has come to pass. The OCA has partnered with MIT to put OCA books on those $100 laptops I wrote about a while ago. This hasn’t been generally covered, but I think the idea of distributing the books this way is pretty exciting.

2 Comments on “Brewster profiled”

  1. Merrilee, I’m writing a book about libraries and reading in the future , could you please send me what you “wrote about” (it seems the link is broken) :

    “The OCA has partnered with MIT to put OCA books on those $100 laptops I wrote about a while ago. ”

    Thank you very much

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